Loli Setriani1, Ade Irma Suryani
Geography Education of STKIP PGRI West Sumatra, INDONESIA
One of the important components in education system is curriculum because it becomes a reference of learning activity organizer reference for every education unit. In order the learning implemented and interpreted by students, in line with PP No.19 in 2005, a teacher must understand and implement qualified learning principles. A teacher must be able to select and use a strategy related to the materials given and the materials can be understood by the students, so that the learning goals are achieved and the student’s learning outcome increases. Based on the phenomenon found in SMA Taman Siswa Padang, some teachers had not known, understood, mastered on implementing the learning by using mind-mapping strategy. It was because the teachers were difficult to relate the general concept to be meaningful proportions and they must really understand the materials and spend much time to make a mind-mapping. In addition, they seldom followed the workshop or seminar related to the learning strategy information. The applied method was by using participative approach in which it was one of the methods applied to increase the teacher’s understanding in using mind-mapping concept in teaching and learning. Based on the teacher’s implementation result at SMA Taman Siswa Padang, it is found that on the final activities, the teachers can implement it 80 % well. Teachers have good knowledge and understanding about learning using concept mind-mapping strategy. They are also able to organize the lesson plan on a KTSP 2006 based-concept mind mapping strategy. The student’s motivation increases after the teachers implement a mind-mapping strategy and create a comfortable learning atmosphere for students.
Teacher, as the most influence component in the education process, plays significance role for students in terms of subject and object of learning. Although the curriculum is appropriate, ideal and the facilities are complete, without having qualified teachers, teaching and learning will not work effectively.
Based on the observation and interview conducted on SMA Taman Siswa Padang, it is found that teachers used monotone method in teaching and learning process. When the teachers were explaining the topics of the lesson, the students only wrote it in order to be applied on the next meeting. Therefore, the students tend to memorize rather than understand the content of the lesson. Moreover, understanding is the basic concept for mastering other concepts. On the other side, the students were not well-trained to think and the teachers preferred teaching theories to discussion method. Students were lack of motivation and knowledge about materials given an effort to complete the task and find out their own knowledge. Only students who understood the lesson gave questions, while for the others, they just kept silent on the class. They could not focus on the lesson and even did not follow the lesson well. Whenever the tasks were given by the teachers, most students copied their friend’s task. It is clearly said that the teaching and learning process could not improve the student’s knowledge.
It is in line with Government Regulation No.19 in 2005 stating that teaching and learning on education unit is implemented interactively, inspiratively, comfortably, and sufficient place for related initiation and creativity to the talent and interest and also physical interest as well as the psychological student. In order to be implemented and meaningful for students, based on Government Regulation No.19 in 2015, teachers must understand and implement the qualified learning principles i.e. student center learning. Teacher must have various lesson designs in order to give chance and freedom to students for being creative to find out the continuous fact and concepts. Then, teachers are able to select and apply the appropriate strategy to the material given and also understood by the students, so that student’s learning goal and outcome are accomplished and improved.
Teaching and learning strategy are teacher’s perspective and mindset in teaching. Masnur (2007:67) states that in developing the learning strategy, teacher might consider some following problems. They are: how to activate the students, how to make the students understand the concepts, how to collect the information through effective responses, how to dig the information from printed media, how to compare and synthesize information as well as how to observe the students actively. Khairullah (2010) had already conducted the research where he finds that the use of mind mapping is really useful to help the students and teachers in the process of teaching and learning because it creates good atmosphere so that the learning becomes more active, comfortable and communicative. It makes the lesson fast to be understood, meaningful, and improve the knowledge of students.
Based on the background, it can be derived the purposes of the activities. They are:
1. Teacher has knowledge and understanding about the learning using mind-mapping strategy. The criteria is at the end of the lesson, at least 80 % of the training material is mastered by the teacher.
2. Teacher is able to design the lesson plan with the mind-mapping strategy using KTSP 2006 format. The criteria is at the end of the lesson, at least 80 % of the training material is comprehended by the teacher.
3. Student’s motivation in learning is improving after the teacher implements the learning using mind-mapping concept and creates comfortable atmosphere for students.
Based on the previous analysis, a lecturer team of Geography Education of STKIP PGRI West Sumatra is interested to conduct a teaching and learning training called The Implementation of KTSP 2006 Based - Mind Mapping Strategy at SMA Taman Siswa Padang.
The method applied on this training is participatory approach. Affandi (2014) states that participatory action research is a research involving all of the relevant stakeholders actively on analyzing the on-going action (in which the problem is their own experience) in order to make improvement and change to a better way. On this type of the research, it is necessary to do a critical reflection to the context of history, politics, culture, economics, geography and many others.
The steps on the participatory action research to the teachers at SMA Taman Siswa Padang are:
1. Writing the learning module using mind-mapping strategy.
2. The material presentation is based on the module.
3. Training and workshop are related into the implementation of learning by implementing mind-mapping strategy in the learning plan and process.
4. Training of designing the KTSP 2006 based - lesson plan using learning steps of mind-mapping strategy.
5. The implementation of mind-mapping strategy in teaching and learning activity.
Time of the implementation is from May 7thto May 14th 2016. The activity is on SMA Taman Siswa Padang which is specified into teachers of SMA Taman Siswa Padang.
In accordance to Government Regulation No.19 in 2005 stating that teaching and learning on education unit is implemented interactively, inspiratively, comfortably, and sufficient place for related initiation and creativity to the talent and interest and also physical interest as well as the psychological student. Teacher must have various lesson designs in order to give chance and freedom to students for being creative to find out the continuous fact and concepts. Then, teachers are able to select and apply the appropriate strategy to the material given and also understood by the students, so that student’s learning goal and outcome are accomplished and improved. Masnur (2007:67) states that in developing the learning strategy, teacher might consider some following problems. They are: how to activate the students, how to make the students understand the concepts, how to collect the information through effective responses, how to dig the information from printed media, how to compare and synthesize information as well as how to observe the students actively. Based on the previously-stated problem, the goal of the research is to make the teacher have knowledge and understanding about teaching and learning using mind-mapping strategy and teacher is able to design the lesson plan with KTSP 2006 based - mind mapping strategy.
The activity or trained conducted at SMA Taman Siswa Padang by a lecturer team of Geography education was followed by teachers of SMA Taman Siswa Padang. Before it was begun, the participants were required to register and given a seminar kit. The seminar kits consisted of writing tools and a module of learning with mind-mapping strategy.
Picture 1. The Participant is registering before entering the room.
After registration, the participants got into the classroom, to follow the training. Before coming into the training, there were an official opening and also a report from the Head of committee.
Picture 2. A Report from Head of Committee
Picture 3. Delivery of Materials by Some Instructors
Picture 3 explained that the activity was followed enthusiastically by the participants. It is also proved by a number of response in the form of question and response that are related to the mind-mapping design or KTSP 2006 based - Lesson Plan design on the running activity.
Mind-mapping is to make the learning materials patterned visually and graphically in which it will help the students to enhance and remember the information given. It is in line with Buzan (2004) that mind-mapping is a great road map for memory by giving easiness in setting the facts and ideas, so that the brain natural-working is involved in the earlier process. It means that the effort to remember and to regain the information will be easy and countable than using conventional learning. After the activity, the step of designing the mind-mapping is explained. Finally, after all information were delivered, the simulation was conducted in relation to the implementation of mind-mapping strategy in teaching and learning activity.
On the second day, a training of designing mind-mapping and KTSP 2006 based - Lesson Plan by applying mind-mapping strategy of the participants and then they are helped by the lecturer team of Geography education for facilitating and guiding them during the training.
Picture 4. A Team of Geography Education Lecturer is facilitating and guiding the participant the participants during the training.
After the participants completing the training, the evaluation will be applied. The working results which are not appropriate for the format will be discussed and revised. For those work which have been appropriate based on the format, it finally results a product. The resulted product of the training is a lesson plan by implementing mind-mapping strategy in a teaching and learning process.
The next activity, in August 2016, the observer from the team of Geography education will observe the teachers of the previous training in the classroom. The observer will observe the teachers when they are delivering their material in a mind-mapping strategy to their students where it is in line with the previous applied training.
In order to make the lesson easy to be learned, each of the person should study meaningfully. It means that when a person studies a knowledge, he/she should link it up to their previous knowledge. By having the ability, it is expected that the students will involve actively in the teaching and learning process. The student positive activity will arise, if the mind-mapping is implemented. It can clearly be seen on by the number of students asking questions, answer the questions and the accuracy on submitting the task. Students argue that by implementing the mind-mapping strategy in presentation and task, it makes the lesson easier and more interesting as well as simpler to understand the concept
Picture 5. The Participants are delivering their Lesson to the Students by Implementing Mind-Mapping.
The training conducted at SMA Taman Siswa Padang is really useful for teachers in order to increase their knowledge and understanding about mind-mapping strategy in teaching and learning and also design of KTSP 2006 based - lesson plan. By having the training the student positive activity during the teaching and learning is raising through the implementation of mind-mapping strategy by the teachers in the class.
It is expected that the teachers follow the workshop and training frequently whether in the school or other places about the strategy or methodology of teaching and learning in order to make the teachers always get the knowledge and skill in the teaching and learning process.
Buzan. Tony dan Barry. 2004. Memahami Peta Pikiran : The Mind Map Book. Interaksa: Batam.
Buzan. Tony. 2004. Mind Map: Untuk meningkatkan Kreativitas. Gramedia Pustaka Utama: Jakarta .
Khairullah . 2010. Peningkatan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Biologi Siswa dengan Menggunakan Peta Konsep di Kelas x SMA AL – IMAM Bangkinang Barat. Tesis. Pasca UNP
Masnur Muslich. 2007. KTSP Dasar Pemahaman dan Pengembangan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Moedjiono dan Dimyanti. 1993. Strategi Belajar Mengajar. Jakarta:Depdikbud,Dirjen Dikti, P2LPTK.
Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 22 Tahun 2006 tentang Peraturan Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan.